That's right! I got my own URL.
Thanks to Mario! From now on, I can be found HERE:
Catch ya on the flipside!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Movin' on up.
Posted by Krust. at 10:22 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ants in the pants.
Last day at the old apartment is tomorrow!!! Last night, Sarah and I got it pretty clean! It actually looks 100 times better than it did when we got there to start.
I cleaned and disinfected the kitchen and the full bathroom, we patched holes, scrubbed the walls, dusted, swept, took out all the trash. It's empty today, except for the Vacuum and Carpet shampooer, which I will be using to finish up with after work today. Such a relief to almost be done. I can't wait until tomorrow and this weekend, when I don't have it hanging over my head anymore.
With that going on, I haven't begun decorating at the new place yet. I just haven't had one second to start. So, my head is just running wild with ideas and I am SOOO incredibly ancy to get started. I have gotten ALOT of unpacking done however, the kitchen has been done for a while now, the bathroom as well and most of the living room. The bedroom is half way... We still need a dresser or dressers, so theres boxes stacked in there with us. Yay for dust!
So, on the topic of decorating....
I ran the idea of Dark Teal walls in the bedroom to Jeremy. Who mentioned he loves the idea of having a RED wall. I'm not that keen on the red wall. He also suggested doing GREY, which I can hang with. I love red, don't get me wrong. I've just never seen a painted red room that I've liked much at all. And the I don't like the idea of it in a bedroom. I suggested doing red walls in the living room maybe, because we have GREY couches and I do love the way RED and GREY look together. Well, I'm not sure how we came to the agreement, but we've decided to use RED as an accent color in the bedroom. Which I think I will love. We are going to find a neat looking dresser that we can paint RED. In my head, something like this:Minus the birdhouses, daisies and yellow. And maybe get some RED bedding and what not. Now, to pick a wall color... I LOVE the dark teal still, but I think I'm going to have to petition it for the living room now, because it's too dark and bold to go with RED, I feel like... hmmm... Any suggestions?
RED accents, and I have a GOLD mirror to go above our bed. What color walls will look nice?
In the midst of my decor planning, I came across this gem:I think it's AWESOME. This Etsy seller has a lot of great wall decals. So, I was contemplating doing one somewhere. And then my girlfriend, Stephanie, shared this lovely entry.
And, it makes me want to do it even more. I think hers turned out AWESOME, so now I'm even more inspired.I think I would do the Octopus in the living room, especially if I got the bigger one. I like the idea of it on the wall behind our couch, I think.
Posted by Krust. at 9:14 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy Washer/Dryer Wednesay!
Goodbye to scrounging for Quarters, and lugging laundry outside and all over (at least for now).
I just got word from Jeremy, that the Washer/Dryer is IN!
I can't wait to go home and bask in it's glory.
I've never had my own. The last time I lived anywhere with a Washer and Dryer, was my Mother's house. This is going to be nice...
AND today the cable is getting hooked up! Just in time for So You Think You Can Dance?! Perfect.
AND, we might be getting the bar stools tonight.
AND, I'm going to the pool tonight. Well, that's my plan.
Posted by Krust. at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's official I have a new address, and sadly a new age. But, let's talk much about that...
The move went quite well!!! Although there are still a few items at the old place I need to haul over with my car over the next week and a half.
We got a U-Haul Friday morning, after going to sign the lease. Apparently 4th of July weekend is one of the most popular weekends to move. I'm not sure why, especially in California, people would choose to move when the temperature is nearing 100 degrees. But, clearly I've done it the past 2 years, so I'm the idiot. Anyhow, U-Haul was packed, I spent valuable moving time in line waiting to get the truck. I finally got the thing after 11am, way later than I wanted to start this, and got home to Jeremy and his good friend Drew ready for heavy lifting. They got the couches, mattress, bookcases, packed in the truck like champs! it took all of like 20 minutes it seemed. Then we all packed in boxes. Drew was an amazing help! We owe him big time! Another good friend of Jeremy's Leah, and her Boyfriend came and help load boxes. After we packed the truck as full ass we could, Leahs awesome BF offered to fill the bed of his pickup with a load! AMAZING. We took the loads to the new place unloaded, and were done before 4pm. Jeremy and I went back to the old place, told Sarah to throw on a swimsuit and come over. And we all enjoyed the pool for a bit. After that we showered and got ready for Dinner a Drew's. Played some Wii, I really want one :/
Then headed to Travis, Miguel and Suzie's for there final gathering in there place before they move.
Went home and passed the eff out.
Woke up Saturday, went to the Scott and Em's for BBQ. Super fun, with my super Family.
Came home, set up the TV, and placed a few pieces of furniture, passed the eff out.
Sunday, made Mochas, in our new kitchen! Drove to the old place, met up with Laura to help start loading Sarahs U-Haul. Jeremy and I helped load the truck and then went to get Crazy Bread with Lo and brought her to our new place for a quickie tour. Laura left to Burlingame to help unload the truck with Sarah. Jeremy and I hung back and loaded up my car with more stuff to take to the new place. Unloaded my car, and the jumped in the pool.
After wards, I tried hanging some clothes, so I could find stuff to wear for work.
Did some unpacking and organizing. finished the kitchen! Passed the eff out.
Monday, back to work. Thankfully. I was over the intense physical long weekend. I like sitting at my desk in my reclining chair. I love it here. I honestly hope I will never have to leave :/
After work, met with Sarah to pay the final days rent at the old place. Hooray for double rent, AND deposit!! such excellent times. So, we are all pretty much broke today. Jeremy and I loaded my car and went home.
I unpacked more clothes while Jeremy cooked an awesome first dinner in our new place. Stir-fry with tofu on rice, that he walked to Safeway for while I was still at work. LOVE IT!
After dinner, Jeremy passed out. He's having to get up at 4am all week for work. Fun stuff.
I decided I wanted to relax inn the hot tub for a bit. So, I wandered out into the darkness on my own and spent a little time in the hot tub. life is good.
Today, I get to have BJ's for DINNER, since it's my Birthday and all. AVOCADO Egg rolls, here I come!!!
Posted by Krust. at 12:04 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
keeps getting better.
I'm sure something horrible is going to happen soon and all my excitement will be crushed...
BUT, I JUST got the word on painting our apartment and we are a GO!!!
That's right folks, The apartment manager told me I can do it myself.
So, Stephanie, if you even read this, you need to make yourself available to me one day and come play with me and some serious paint and boring white walls. Anyone else too! Emily, Lisa, Sari, Laura. Let's have a painting party. If ya'll are down, I'm planning that shit. We can feast too!
A few ideas:
Stripes! I love the idea of a striped or some sort of patterned wall.
I think a want to do a Dark Teal wall in the bedroom, something like these colors.
Posted by Krust. at 2:34 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
approaching the finish line...
I realized that my list of things to do before the move is not going to be easy to complete.
__Get cashier's check for deposit and first months rent to pay on Friday July 3rd (Move in day), shouldn't be difficult. BUT, Friday is holiday, and I realized it's already Wednesday, and I work when the bank is open, I didn't get to get out for a lunch break today, so my ONLY chance to get is tomorrow afternoon at lunch. Only having one opportunity to get it, is kind of stressing me out.
__Ship an item that was purchased off of eBay. Again, working while the post office is open, blah blah. I might be able to get this done tonight. Certain Long's locations are super awesome about getting stuff ready for the next days shipments. One of the reason's why Long's mail center has been a god send for my eBay selling.
__Make a return to Marshall's, This is no longer a large priority. It was just something I had hoped to get done before the weekend. Oh well.
__LAUNDRY!!! We have a good 3 loads to do! And I was hoping to get some of it done in our NEW Washer and Dryer, BUT, they aren't being installed until Monday now. Which is fine, because now, we get the keys Friday to start moving in, BUT don;t have to pay rent until Monday. Super, awesome, good times!
__Get our new appropriate address. Tell Comcast we are moving! and the Post Office. Comcast, I'm hoping I can deal with Friday, and the post office can wait until Monday. Or, I suppose I can do that online now. Forgot about that.
Other things that need to get done ASAP, but preferably after Move in day:
-Get a Queen size bed frame.
-Get a dresser (pretty critical, because we will be living out of bags until we have one :/)
After the FUN stuffff!
unpacking, Organzing, decorating (hopefully painting), and finally entertaining!!!!
On another AWESOME note, Jeremy talked to his friend Drew and some how roped him into helping the 2 of us haul some stuff over on Friday (The couches are the only thing that really require more than 2 people, maybe). What a guy!!! We were even invited to a BBQ at his house afterward. Shouldn't WE be feeding HIM? Well, anyhow, I need to think of a good thank you gift for him.
Posted by Krust. at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I can't think of anything to put in the subject line.
Got a good amount of packing done last night.
Saw The Hangover today, finally. Excellent. We caught the matinee. As predicted, it was just way too hot to hang out here and pack in the afternoon, so we sat in an empty air conditioned theater and laughed for 2 hours instead :)
And then, even took a dip in the pool, witch was lovely.
Tonight, I got a little packing done, not as much as I would have liked.
BUT, to make up for it, Jeremy took me to Borders to buy me a magazine I had been eyeing...High Fructose Magazine.
This one features paintings from Mark Ryden's "Snow Yak Show". And I Love me some Ryden.
And , on an unrelated note, I have watched this performance a good 20 times since Wednesday night, because I friggin' love it! Randi and Evan are my fovorites at the moment, after last weeks jive, and now THIS!
So cute! And I'm diggin' the song... it's going on the playlist.
Posted by Krust. at 11:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
A whole new world of ideas...
So, Thank you to Lisa, for re introducing me to the Fabulous Design*Sponge blog/site.
I had seen in once before in my quest for sites with great decorating ideas, but clearly did not give it enough attention. After Lisa brought it up to me on Wednesday, I've been on it non stop looking for great ideas, and boy, do they have a TON. There's some really great stuff I want to try.
a few note worthy tid-bits, I plan to take inspiration from:This reminded me of a BEAUTIFUL snowflake project, Stephanie did in her living room over the holidays last year. I wish I had a photo of hers. It was really something. She had the snowflakes cascading down from the ceiling and intermingling with her shelf of photos frames on the wall. I hope she plans to do it again this year so I can snap a picture. Well, I was thinking it'd be fun to do something similar for year round decor, since I am on the prowl for wall art, why not make my own! I was thinking I could do something with Octopi! I'll think of something. I love how the horses are multi colored too! So fun. See the entry and how-to HERE.
Something I really would love to learn more about and how to do is furniture restoration and re upholstery, I love the idea that you take a piece of junk and make it something spectacular. I'm a cheap person, I think, and well some furniture is just wayyyyy beyond what I would ever feel okay about spending, especially at this point in my life. Also, I'm the kind of person who can always find something on anything that I like and nit pick at it, like "oooh, that's super cute, but I wish it didn't have that crazy color in it" If I could makeover used furniture, I could create it to my own liking. Someday when I have a nice workspace I can get messy inn, maybe I'll give it a try! The sites Before and After section shows some pretty amazing makeovers in interior design and furniture pieces. They show some pretty disgusting stuff in te before photos turned into lovely creations.
Posted by Krust. at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tick Tock...
So, I was sitting in a meeting today and people were talking about dates fr things we are working on... Well, I was listening very intently because there are deadlines for things we are doing like everyday, and people are going on summer vacations, when it hit me that we get to start moving into our new place in 1 week and 1 day!!! Whoa! that crept up.
I think I've officially packed 2 or 3 boxes of stuff that I know for sure is coming to the new place. Ridiculous! I'm just so incredibly worn out by the time I get home from work. I want to fall asleep on the commute home sometimes. Bleh. I'm hoping I can crack down and get some stuff organized and packed up tonight while watching the So You Think You Can Dance?! results show. But, that was my plan for last night as well. I have left this weekend freeeee, but I have a fear that the weather is not going to keep me inside the whole weekend... It's finally sunny! I really should have been packing a lot more in the beginning of the month when it was gloomy all the time. Whatever, I'm a procrastinator. Story of my LIFE. Fortunately, I do have a good week and half overlap time between both places which provides a little ease to the situation.
Posted by Krust. at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A work in progress.
Posted by Krust. at 2:04 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
For a closeted packrat...?
I am definitely a pack rat. And it's no secret. I honestly making an effort to reform for this move. Regardless, this is absolutely something I should own.
Ikea Sultan Alsarp.
Seriously a bed, with hidden storage? Anything with hidden storage, is brilliant in my book, and is automatically added to my wish list.
Posted by Krust. at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Let there be TEA!!!! or Coffee, lights....
I think these are brilliant, and I would love to do this in a home I own, someday... So
Another fun one:Mixko boutique.
Even if I could, I'm not sure how I would go about attempting to purchase them anyway :/
Posted by Krust. at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Just a list of things I hope to acquire over the next couple months for the new place:
-Bar stools, I think 3. Here's a little peak of what the kitchen area looks like. I think 3 will fit comfortably, and we are not going to have a dining area, as it is being compromised for workspace/desk area.
-A Queen size bed frame, since Currently I have a full with a queen size mattress, it's retarded.
-A tall dresser. Jeremy and I each have a ton of clothes. And my room is always a disaster. We don;t have a dresser now, so I'm hoping a dresser will help eliminate at least some of the messiness.
-A media cabinet (not a huge one), OR a Flat screen TV. The living room TV is a nice big ugly CRT. It belongs in a cabinet, behind doors when it's not being watched. But, I really hoping to be able to purchase a smallish flat screen eventually, and get rid of the bigger TV.
-ART!!!! Jeremy is planning to get his paints and paint some stuff. I just want some Art to add to my photo only decor.
I think that's the list. For now :)
I'll gladly accept hand me downs.
Posted by Krust. at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Back up plan?
This is interesting. Sarah and I gave our landlord our 30-days notice that we will be moving out. She apparently frantically called Sarah both on her cell and at Work. And basically said she's sad we are moving, because we are great tenants (which is really nice to hear! Even if I knew it already). Anyway, she told Sarah she would lower the rent by $200 if we decided to stay. We are paying wayyy too much for what we have, and unfortunately $200 wouldn't be much help. Sarah explained that she is set on moving to Burlingame, and her mind would not be changed. But, that Me and my boyfriend were staying in the area. So, the landlord proceeded to call me, and leave a voicemail, explaining that she would lower the rent if we chose to stay.
It's a nice gesture, and I would accept if I thought I could not get this place I want. But, I'm so close. All I need is the agreement from work, to prove I'm working and being paid, even though I have not been yet. It's stressing me out that it's been over a week and I don't have it. But, I don't want to step on anyone's toes here. I'm too happy to be back, to start demanding things. I know it's being worked on, and I'll have it soon.
Anyway, I want the NEWplace, it has more Anemities, for less money, whereas the old place just has more space, for more money.
Here's a little comparison:
Current (old place):
-2 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths (I'd rather not have an extra bathroom to clean )
-small peanut shaped pool (no hot tub)
-Laundry room with 4 washers/dryers, for 40+ units.
-BEAUTIFUL, bamboo floors in the living room
-New granite countertops in the kitchen (with the same old cabinets from 1970 something...)
-Loveley 3 month old double pane windows, I can see the train from my house, so it really is necessary (These past 3 are the only upgrades, everything else is outdated)
New (NEW place):
-Building from 1970, entirely remodeled last year.
-1Bedroom, 1Bath
-Nice big pool, will be great for laps, Hot tub, lounge chairs, and CABANAS!
-Fitness room, Clubhouse, Game room w/ a Wii and Playstation 3
-Stackable Washer/Dryer(brand new), in unit, in the BATHROOM! my favorite. warm towels!
-New pergo flooring, simple light wood.
-All new kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances. BLACK countertops.
-I don't believe the windows are double paned, here, but the train is not in view.
-Conveiniently located in walking distance to Safeway with a Starbucks.
It's nice of our landlord to try to keep us, but, I'm ready to move on up a bit. As much as I'd LOVE to have a spare bedroom to turn into a closet, it's not enough compared to the new place. And, it's still higher rent. :/ Sorry, Ayala Terrace, it's been real.
Posted by Krust. at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Spring Selling.
I'm starting to list some stuff on eBay, in an attempt to make money to move and live, period. Hooray for unemployment! Besides, I have too much stuff here that's been serving no purpose and I just need to get rid of it, so I can have a clean place. Anyhow, please check out some of my stuff here: eBay seller, Churchofkrust. I plan to keep adding stuff alllll week and then some even.
Thanks for looking!
Posted by Krust. at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
It's that time again.
Well, we are coming up on a year being at our place here in Sunnyvale. Since Jeremy had moved back from New York, we have discussed moving to San Fransisco together. Well, that has been put on hold, because of his job and my lack of one. Sarah has decided to move in with Stephanie in Burlingame. Jeremy and I are staying around this area. I would like to find something in Mountain View, but it's looking to be pricier, and my standards are higher since I have a little time this time around, Thank God. Scrambling for a place to live last year was a nightmare. Jeremy had one appointment to view an apartment complex in Sunnyvale called the CITRA. I', pretty much in love. It's pretty much at our price limit though. It's less than a mile away from were we are now, which would make for a fairly simple move, I hope. I'm not going to go into details about the place, because I'll pump myself and other people up, and then be crushed when we don't get it. It's happened... Anyway, I'm hoping to apply this afternoon, or first thing next Monday. Wish us luck, I suppose.
In the process of moving, we plan to get rid of A LOT of stuff we've got being stored, presently. Sarah is moving into a bedroom, and we are moving to possibly a much smaller place. So, it's time to let go of some garb we've been carrying around. I plan to donate most stuff to goodwill, as much as I'd love to have a garage sale of some sort before moving day, but it's probably just not going to happen. I will probably try to eBay some stuff, I suppose. Who knows.
I'm so excited to get a NEW place to start fresh in, to get rid of some clutter in the process and get to decorate all over again!
Posted by Krust. at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Bad Ass.
I want this Dining Room.
Especially the Chandelier and the Giant gems centerpiece they got going.Taken from this Apartment Therapy entry.
Posted by Krust. at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Oriental Midnight, buffet project.
While I'm at it.
Here's a before and After from the Buffet's Makeover.Here is the Buffet originally. It was in my grandparent's house. My Aunt assured us that it was not an important piece and if it was too much to lug around from apartment to apartment, we could get rid of it if we wanted. I had contemplated doing so many times. But, my sister wanted to keep it. So I asked her if I could paint it. The wood looks lovely in this photo but in person, it was anything but. It's moved a lot and has so many scratched and dings. My sister wanted me to keep it in original form so that it would match her bedroom furniture if she were to move into a studio. She eventually caved and suggested I paint it grey. Well, awesome. Except the couches are now grey and it wouldn't work in the same space. So, I went with something a little different.
The color is called Oriental Midnight, I can't recall the brand... It's from OSH. I have the can here. I was going to replace the hardware as well. But, I ended up really enjoying the way the antique brass looks with this color.
I decided to leave it the kitchen. I like the color against my grandmothers paintings on the wall in our dining area.
Project complete.
Posted by Krust. at 12:37 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
So, I've been pretty good trying to keep myself busy. I thought I finally show some photos of what I've been up to. I'll start with a post on the Living Room's progress. It's not done. But, I'm pretty happy with how far it's come from what it used to be.
For example:
You can't see much of the living room, but these are honestly probably the only 2 tmes we EVER hung out in the living room until now.This was back in August. We had a futon, and a tiny little 4x6 rug from target, that was actually retarded (not sure what I was thinking).
This is much more recent, March of this year. I had passed along the futon in January, because I had the plan to obtain a proper Couch. March rolled around and I still hadn't so, I pulled out My grandmother's fainting couch that I inheirited, just so there would be something in the room, for over a month, there was nothing, and it was depressing. I really LOVE the fainting couch, BUT, let's face it, it belongs in a big old master bedroom (some day...) It's NOT comforatable And, it makes me nervous on the hardwood floors since it's on old casters.
This photo also shows my poor drapery choice. :/
Anywho, here is my living room today...I toned down the drapes. I had to. I have a wall entirely of drapes to hide my storage, since we don't have much storage space at this place. And I have ALOT of stuff I'm holding on to.
The pictures are from a book I found at Ross. I just ripped them out and framed my favorites. I had done this in my last Apartment as well. I LOVE old Hollywood, and old movies. Audrey is the newest addition. She's Jeremy's favorite, so she needed a spot.
I was happy with how this turned out. I had been keeping my books in what looked suitable for VHS tapes. I bought this bookcase at Goodwill, but it's originally from Target, I believe. Notice the Pink frame on top. I LOVE that thing.This is where more needs to be done. I threw the TV on Jeremy's Coffee table when I decide to paint the Buffet that it was on before. I would ideally like to have a small Entertainment cabinet with doors. Something cheap and even beat up. I would like to paint it anyway. Something BOLD and colorful.
Off to the corner, I made a space for all of my sewing goodies. I used my grandparents Secretary's desk to house all of my sewing supplies. Though I can;t realistically sew in this space, it organizes everything well enough.
I think that's it for that tour!
So, on my list for the living room now,is just an entertainment cabinet, and a round coffee table! I don't think I'll ever find either. I'm wayyy too picky about what I want for the coffee table. The entertainment cabinet, I'm more flexible on. But, my budget is very strict.
Thanks for Looking!
Posted by Krust. at 11:35 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Excuse me, while I wipe the drool off my face...
This Armoire is amazing! From LivingEtc.
Sooo, now I'm inspired to find an Entertainment Armoire to paint for my living room...
Posted by Krust. at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yikes, stripes!
I'm planning a trip to Ikea today for this:Stokholm Rug, they had an 8x10 in the as is department Monday night. I'm crossing my fingers that it is still there today. I need a big rug to cover the floors in the living room. And rugs are too expensive for my blood. And I happen to LOVE this rug. If I had the money to get it Monday I would have.
So, I'm off to ride my bike to the bank, and then come back and cruise over to Ikea in hopes of soming home with this lovely piece of floor covering, and, maybe a coffee table?
I also need some sort of Entertainment unit/ TV stand. Not today, though... unfortunately.
Posted by Krust. at 11:18 AM 3 comments
I can see clearly now....
I came home last week to this: New windows!!!!! They are updating all the windows in our complex this month. So far only the upstairs is done. But, they started the downstairs windows in other units, so I'm waiting ever so patiently for our time to come. It's going to be so nice in our NEW living room. I took this photo as soon as I walked into my room and saw. I left the drapes off for like 3 days, I was so pleased with them.The Windows before we SCARY...
They actually don't look half bad in this photo. But they are so dirty on the outside... andthe metal is just a mess, and not all of the locks work... which is my biggest complaint. They screwed the screens on from the outside,I assume as a locking device. Seriously, I ripped the screen with my key... Screwing them isn't keeping anyone out.
Grosssss. And yes I do clean them, from the inside. It's all I can do. There's a thumb tack in there acting as a locking device also. pretty sad. It doesn't work. Don't tease me, I tried a few things. On this window I ended up putting on of the working locks on, because I ripped the screen from the outside.
Posted by Krust. at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So, I may have my couch. It's in San Bruno, and my dad is coming with me to look at it today at 530, and possibly bring it to my house if all goes as planned. I'm pretty stoked on it from the photos.
It looks similar to this, but this is not it exactly.
But, it's got the chaise that come out on the side, which I LOVE. It's Grey Microfiber. It just keeps getting better. I love that it's grey. I hope all goes as planned, when I see it in person!
Posted by Krust. at 12:16 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Room Service.
I came across this pretty radical Furniture site:
Room Service.
I wish I could afford a few items...
I need to be rich.
Posted by Krust. at 12:58 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Cleaning?
I really want to move! But, that may not happen for some time at the rate I
m going on my Job search. So, I've decided to re-do my living room. I spent this morning and afternoon deep cleaning the kitchen and living room so, it's prepared for my big plans!
I've been wanting a real couch for quite a while now. And lately, I've actually been hunting for something affordable on my unemployment budget. I've mostly been anti-craigslist for a couch. But, I have seen a few that look actually nice. But still I'm spoiled and I'm really not sure how much I trust it. Sunday night, Jeremy and I took a trip to Ikea, and.... I found a couch. The price is good and its cute. It's cheap because it has no color options and does not come with any warranty. Which is fine for me. I'm hoping someday I'll have money to afford a sectional sofa. This just needs to make me happy for the next few years. Anywho, It's a nice brushed brown twill. I wish I could post a photo but I can't. I'm hoping to buy it next week!!!! weeee! I just need to ask my dad for use of his truck...
Next on my list is to keep surfing craigslist for the rest of what I want:
-A 5x7, or 8x10 Area rug, that's not ugly. (So far this is the most difficult, because rugs are bannkk) I really need to protect the nice bamboo flooring we have, though.
-Dining table with 4-6 chairs. (I currently have 2 hopefuls, so we'll see)
-Coffee table, and 1 or 2 side tables (Jeremy has decided he wants to build these possibly, which would be awesome!)
-TV Armoire or some sort of proper TV stand, entertainment unit.
All items need to be free or under $50.
I'm not too too worried about paint finish and condition to a certain point. I'll take the best deals is it's something that can be painted or easily repaired.
It's been fun searching so far. Wish me luck!
I think I'm too embarrassed for a before photo. But, I'll have an after, someday....
Posted by Krust. at 3:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Show and Tell.
I know, I've been neglecting this blog. But, I have been distracted. Not a huge loss. Anywho, I plan on making my blog much less personal anyway once I switch over and get my spiffy new site and URL. But, real quick here's one super personal entry. Hope it's not too annoying. I just really wanted to share a couple photos I'm really happy about.
Jeremy's return! This photo I took of us on Jeremy's 27th Birthday last week. This is a great one!!!! Jeremy and his niece, Elora. After we took her to Bounce-o-Rama to play with Lolo and Ryan B! We've gotten to steal her away from Jeremy's sister a few days and take her to play with the Ry Guy!!! I love her smile! it kind of makes my heart melt. And, I love that in this photo, Jeremy and her have the same smile!!!! So related.
Okay, I'll try to steer away from the boring personal stuff now. Just wanted to share my happiness!!!!
Posted by Krust. at 2:26 AM 6 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Nude picks.
Just a quick note to mention my favorite polishes at the moment. Since discovering the new Sally Hansen Insta-Dri line, particularly the shade beige blast, I've become more obsessed with Nude nail polish. It really ALWAYS looks good, I feel like. It's kind of a fool proof shade. I've cleaned out a lot of my colors now.
So, in case anyone's interested. Here are a few highly recommended Nude colors:#1) Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in 03 Beige Blast
#2) OPI in Bare in Trafalgar Square
#3) Rimmel Lycra Wear 10 in Milk Chocolate
But wait! Bck to the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri, TRY IT! it's amazing. Even if you don't like nudes, they have a whole line of colors and they seriously dry instantly and it's amazing. I LOVE it.
Posted by Krust. at 11:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stupid Unemployment.
I have been lusting after these shoes for a while now... And of course, today I learned they are on sale!Fuck you, Piperlime. This means 2 things: A) I still cannot afford them, even on sale. Or could afford them, but have no place to be purchasing $90 shoes while unemployed. And B) This possibly means they won't be available for me to purchase when I DO have a job again, and can feel okay about purchasing them.
Lord, help me.
Posted by Krust. at 11:53 PM 0 comments