So, I've been pretty good trying to keep myself busy. I thought I finally show some photos of what I've been up to. I'll start with a post on the Living Room's progress. It's not done. But, I'm pretty happy with how far it's come from what it used to be.
For example:
You can't see much of the living room, but these are honestly probably the only 2 tmes we EVER hung out in the living room until now.This was back in August. We had a futon, and a tiny little 4x6 rug from target, that was actually retarded (not sure what I was thinking).
This is much more recent, March of this year. I had passed along the futon in January, because I had the plan to obtain a proper Couch. March rolled around and I still hadn't so, I pulled out My grandmother's fainting couch that I inheirited, just so there would be something in the room, for over a month, there was nothing, and it was depressing. I really LOVE the fainting couch, BUT, let's face it, it belongs in a big old master bedroom (some day...) It's NOT comforatable And, it makes me nervous on the hardwood floors since it's on old casters.
This photo also shows my poor drapery choice. :/
Anywho, here is my living room today...I toned down the drapes. I had to. I have a wall entirely of drapes to hide my storage, since we don't have much storage space at this place. And I have ALOT of stuff I'm holding on to.
The pictures are from a book I found at Ross. I just ripped them out and framed my favorites. I had done this in my last Apartment as well. I LOVE old Hollywood, and old movies. Audrey is the newest addition. She's Jeremy's favorite, so she needed a spot.
I was happy with how this turned out. I had been keeping my books in what looked suitable for VHS tapes. I bought this bookcase at Goodwill, but it's originally from Target, I believe. Notice the Pink frame on top. I LOVE that thing.This is where more needs to be done. I threw the TV on Jeremy's Coffee table when I decide to paint the Buffet that it was on before. I would ideally like to have a small Entertainment cabinet with doors. Something cheap and even beat up. I would like to paint it anyway. Something BOLD and colorful.
Off to the corner, I made a space for all of my sewing goodies. I used my grandparents Secretary's desk to house all of my sewing supplies. Though I can;t realistically sew in this space, it organizes everything well enough.
I think that's it for that tour!
So, on my list for the living room now,is just an entertainment cabinet, and a round coffee table! I don't think I'll ever find either. I'm wayyy too picky about what I want for the coffee table. The entertainment cabinet, I'm more flexible on. But, my budget is very strict.
Thanks for Looking!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by Krust. at 11:35 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Excuse me, while I wipe the drool off my face...
This Armoire is amazing! From LivingEtc.
Sooo, now I'm inspired to find an Entertainment Armoire to paint for my living room...
Posted by Krust. at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yikes, stripes!
I'm planning a trip to Ikea today for this:Stokholm Rug, they had an 8x10 in the as is department Monday night. I'm crossing my fingers that it is still there today. I need a big rug to cover the floors in the living room. And rugs are too expensive for my blood. And I happen to LOVE this rug. If I had the money to get it Monday I would have.
So, I'm off to ride my bike to the bank, and then come back and cruise over to Ikea in hopes of soming home with this lovely piece of floor covering, and, maybe a coffee table?
I also need some sort of Entertainment unit/ TV stand. Not today, though... unfortunately.
Posted by Krust. at 11:18 AM 3 comments
I can see clearly now....
I came home last week to this: New windows!!!!! They are updating all the windows in our complex this month. So far only the upstairs is done. But, they started the downstairs windows in other units, so I'm waiting ever so patiently for our time to come. It's going to be so nice in our NEW living room. I took this photo as soon as I walked into my room and saw. I left the drapes off for like 3 days, I was so pleased with them.The Windows before we SCARY...
They actually don't look half bad in this photo. But they are so dirty on the outside... andthe metal is just a mess, and not all of the locks work... which is my biggest complaint. They screwed the screens on from the outside,I assume as a locking device. Seriously, I ripped the screen with my key... Screwing them isn't keeping anyone out.
Grosssss. And yes I do clean them, from the inside. It's all I can do. There's a thumb tack in there acting as a locking device also. pretty sad. It doesn't work. Don't tease me, I tried a few things. On this window I ended up putting on of the working locks on, because I ripped the screen from the outside.
Posted by Krust. at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So, I may have my couch. It's in San Bruno, and my dad is coming with me to look at it today at 530, and possibly bring it to my house if all goes as planned. I'm pretty stoked on it from the photos.
It looks similar to this, but this is not it exactly.
But, it's got the chaise that come out on the side, which I LOVE. It's Grey Microfiber. It just keeps getting better. I love that it's grey. I hope all goes as planned, when I see it in person!
Posted by Krust. at 12:16 PM 2 comments