Got a good amount of packing done last night.
Saw The Hangover today, finally. Excellent. We caught the matinee. As predicted, it was just way too hot to hang out here and pack in the afternoon, so we sat in an empty air conditioned theater and laughed for 2 hours instead :)
And then, even took a dip in the pool, witch was lovely.
Tonight, I got a little packing done, not as much as I would have liked.
BUT, to make up for it, Jeremy took me to Borders to buy me a magazine I had been eyeing...High Fructose Magazine.
This one features paintings from Mark Ryden's "Snow Yak Show". And I Love me some Ryden.
And , on an unrelated note, I have watched this performance a good 20 times since Wednesday night, because I friggin' love it! Randi and Evan are my fovorites at the moment, after last weeks jive, and now THIS!
So cute! And I'm diggin' the song... it's going on the playlist.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I can't think of anything to put in the subject line.
Posted by Krust. at 11:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
A whole new world of ideas...
So, Thank you to Lisa, for re introducing me to the Fabulous Design*Sponge blog/site.
I had seen in once before in my quest for sites with great decorating ideas, but clearly did not give it enough attention. After Lisa brought it up to me on Wednesday, I've been on it non stop looking for great ideas, and boy, do they have a TON. There's some really great stuff I want to try.
a few note worthy tid-bits, I plan to take inspiration from:This reminded me of a BEAUTIFUL snowflake project, Stephanie did in her living room over the holidays last year. I wish I had a photo of hers. It was really something. She had the snowflakes cascading down from the ceiling and intermingling with her shelf of photos frames on the wall. I hope she plans to do it again this year so I can snap a picture. Well, I was thinking it'd be fun to do something similar for year round decor, since I am on the prowl for wall art, why not make my own! I was thinking I could do something with Octopi! I'll think of something. I love how the horses are multi colored too! So fun. See the entry and how-to HERE.
Something I really would love to learn more about and how to do is furniture restoration and re upholstery, I love the idea that you take a piece of junk and make it something spectacular. I'm a cheap person, I think, and well some furniture is just wayyyyy beyond what I would ever feel okay about spending, especially at this point in my life. Also, I'm the kind of person who can always find something on anything that I like and nit pick at it, like "oooh, that's super cute, but I wish it didn't have that crazy color in it" If I could makeover used furniture, I could create it to my own liking. Someday when I have a nice workspace I can get messy inn, maybe I'll give it a try! The sites Before and After section shows some pretty amazing makeovers in interior design and furniture pieces. They show some pretty disgusting stuff in te before photos turned into lovely creations.
Posted by Krust. at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tick Tock...
So, I was sitting in a meeting today and people were talking about dates fr things we are working on... Well, I was listening very intently because there are deadlines for things we are doing like everyday, and people are going on summer vacations, when it hit me that we get to start moving into our new place in 1 week and 1 day!!! Whoa! that crept up.
I think I've officially packed 2 or 3 boxes of stuff that I know for sure is coming to the new place. Ridiculous! I'm just so incredibly worn out by the time I get home from work. I want to fall asleep on the commute home sometimes. Bleh. I'm hoping I can crack down and get some stuff organized and packed up tonight while watching the So You Think You Can Dance?! results show. But, that was my plan for last night as well. I have left this weekend freeeee, but I have a fear that the weather is not going to keep me inside the whole weekend... It's finally sunny! I really should have been packing a lot more in the beginning of the month when it was gloomy all the time. Whatever, I'm a procrastinator. Story of my LIFE. Fortunately, I do have a good week and half overlap time between both places which provides a little ease to the situation.
Posted by Krust. at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A work in progress.
Posted by Krust. at 2:04 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
For a closeted packrat...?
I am definitely a pack rat. And it's no secret. I honestly making an effort to reform for this move. Regardless, this is absolutely something I should own.
Ikea Sultan Alsarp.
Seriously a bed, with hidden storage? Anything with hidden storage, is brilliant in my book, and is automatically added to my wish list.
Posted by Krust. at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Let there be TEA!!!! or Coffee, lights....
I think these are brilliant, and I would love to do this in a home I own, someday... So
Another fun one:Mixko boutique.
Even if I could, I'm not sure how I would go about attempting to purchase them anyway :/
Posted by Krust. at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Just a list of things I hope to acquire over the next couple months for the new place:
-Bar stools, I think 3. Here's a little peak of what the kitchen area looks like. I think 3 will fit comfortably, and we are not going to have a dining area, as it is being compromised for workspace/desk area.
-A Queen size bed frame, since Currently I have a full with a queen size mattress, it's retarded.
-A tall dresser. Jeremy and I each have a ton of clothes. And my room is always a disaster. We don;t have a dresser now, so I'm hoping a dresser will help eliminate at least some of the messiness.
-A media cabinet (not a huge one), OR a Flat screen TV. The living room TV is a nice big ugly CRT. It belongs in a cabinet, behind doors when it's not being watched. But, I really hoping to be able to purchase a smallish flat screen eventually, and get rid of the bigger TV.
-ART!!!! Jeremy is planning to get his paints and paint some stuff. I just want some Art to add to my photo only decor.
I think that's the list. For now :)
I'll gladly accept hand me downs.
Posted by Krust. at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Back up plan?
This is interesting. Sarah and I gave our landlord our 30-days notice that we will be moving out. She apparently frantically called Sarah both on her cell and at Work. And basically said she's sad we are moving, because we are great tenants (which is really nice to hear! Even if I knew it already). Anyway, she told Sarah she would lower the rent by $200 if we decided to stay. We are paying wayyy too much for what we have, and unfortunately $200 wouldn't be much help. Sarah explained that she is set on moving to Burlingame, and her mind would not be changed. But, that Me and my boyfriend were staying in the area. So, the landlord proceeded to call me, and leave a voicemail, explaining that she would lower the rent if we chose to stay.
It's a nice gesture, and I would accept if I thought I could not get this place I want. But, I'm so close. All I need is the agreement from work, to prove I'm working and being paid, even though I have not been yet. It's stressing me out that it's been over a week and I don't have it. But, I don't want to step on anyone's toes here. I'm too happy to be back, to start demanding things. I know it's being worked on, and I'll have it soon.
Anyway, I want the NEWplace, it has more Anemities, for less money, whereas the old place just has more space, for more money.
Here's a little comparison:
Current (old place):
-2 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths (I'd rather not have an extra bathroom to clean )
-small peanut shaped pool (no hot tub)
-Laundry room with 4 washers/dryers, for 40+ units.
-BEAUTIFUL, bamboo floors in the living room
-New granite countertops in the kitchen (with the same old cabinets from 1970 something...)
-Loveley 3 month old double pane windows, I can see the train from my house, so it really is necessary (These past 3 are the only upgrades, everything else is outdated)
New (NEW place):
-Building from 1970, entirely remodeled last year.
-1Bedroom, 1Bath
-Nice big pool, will be great for laps, Hot tub, lounge chairs, and CABANAS!
-Fitness room, Clubhouse, Game room w/ a Wii and Playstation 3
-Stackable Washer/Dryer(brand new), in unit, in the BATHROOM! my favorite. warm towels!
-New pergo flooring, simple light wood.
-All new kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances. BLACK countertops.
-I don't believe the windows are double paned, here, but the train is not in view.
-Conveiniently located in walking distance to Safeway with a Starbucks.
It's nice of our landlord to try to keep us, but, I'm ready to move on up a bit. As much as I'd LOVE to have a spare bedroom to turn into a closet, it's not enough compared to the new place. And, it's still higher rent. :/ Sorry, Ayala Terrace, it's been real.
Posted by Krust. at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Spring Selling.
I'm starting to list some stuff on eBay, in an attempt to make money to move and live, period. Hooray for unemployment! Besides, I have too much stuff here that's been serving no purpose and I just need to get rid of it, so I can have a clean place. Anyhow, please check out some of my stuff here: eBay seller, Churchofkrust. I plan to keep adding stuff alllll week and then some even.
Thanks for looking!
Posted by Krust. at 2:54 PM 0 comments