Sunday, January 25, 2009

Get rich quick!

Unemployment blows. BLOWS!
I just realized I'm officially short on rent. I fuckkkked up.
I'm so annoyed I have not received one unemployment check yet. If I had just ONE, I'd be fine for the month. I'm kind of freaking out.
SO, the plan is. Don't drive anywhere! Sell some shit on Ebay. Hope Comcast doesn't shut me off because I need internet to apply for work. And sit here and wait for a Check! I hate this.
I know it will pass, and things will work out. But in this moment, unemployment sucks!

Where money is not concerned, life is really great. I'm really happy today, after a couple days of being somewhat tense and spastic. I'm very much at peace, and looking forward to things coming my way! West, that is.